23 March 2012

Almond Milk

Justin and I went to a vegan cooking class a couple weeks ago with Chef AJ (my stepmom Lulu hooked us up). I came away with several fantastic recipes and revelations, but this is one of the best - the easiest almond milk possible. She had us try fresh and boxed almond milk back to back and it was astounding. Obviously fresh is usually superior to boxed or jarred anything, but the boxed version (which I was using on a daily basis) was truly disgusting in comparison. I never could wrap my mind around milking almonds for an hour, but this shortcut method is more time efficient and thrifty than its boxed counterpart - it's just water, dates, and almond butter. 

I promise, try it once and at the very least, you will be shocked by how delicious (and EASY) it is. The ingredient quantities and ratios are purely personal, so experiment until you get the flavor and sweetness exactly where you want it. Start with less and add more as you go.

*Tip: In general, dates are a great way to get your sweetener since they are a whole food packed with nutrients. You can use them in an easily homemade paste or syrup as well. They have the highest glycemic index of any sugar and also have a high glycemic load, so just balance it out with the other ingredients of the dish. 

dates (2-4) chopped
almond butter (1-2 T) I use jarred, don't judge me
water (6 cups) use good tasting water

vanilla extract

  1. Blend water, dates, and almond butter in a blender. That's it!
  2. Keep refrigerated for 2-5 days. 

Enjoy! xo, J


  1. This method has revolutionized my morning smoothie. I make a banana smoothie every day and have used milk, kefir, soy milk, tangerine juice, and almond milk as the liquid over the years.
    Based on J's advise, I now use just a scoop of almond butter and some water as the liquid. It is so delicious. I wake up every morning excited for my breakfast. Actually, I go to sleep thinking about the next morning's breakfast...

    Here's what I use:
    --1 Banana
    --1 T almond butter (I use the kind with flax seeds in the squat plastic container from Trader Joe's. It is amazing!!)
    --About 1/2 cup frozen pineapple "tidbits" (also Trader Joe's)
    --About 1/2 cup water.

    I mix this all up in with my immersion blender. Mmmm...

    1. Sim, I LOVE THIS. Can't wait to try!! Sounds delicious. And I love being excited for breakfast the night before.

      xoxo, J
